Thursday, July 10, 2008

Where are the Birds and Bees?

It was great fun to photograph my garden from inside my cherry tree. (I am using my new Lensbaby soft focus lens which I love.) But I don't understand why I have all these cherries, every other year the tree is stripped by hungry birds before they even turn red. And a friend told me today that the birds have not eaten her blackberries this year. Should I be worried, where are the birds?
Everyone is concerned about the disappearance of honey bees. And apparently bats are threatened by a new disease;we haven't seen any bats this summer. There have been very few fireflies and no June bugs. What a loss if these are also at risk. We called fireflies lightning bugs when I was a child. My own daughter thought they were fairy lights. And how can it be summer without the June bugs banging on the screens?
Apparently the mosquitos and black flies are doing fine. Sigh.

I call the top picture the Bride. Hostas are generally grown for their interesting foliage but some of them also have beautiful flowers.

Flower Find
Isn't this the world's prettiest apron? If I didn't hate to cook I would buy it in an instant. It has flowers and a dragonfly on the pocket. Flowers and bugs. The apron is called Dragonfly and is handmade by PrettyDitty.

1 comment:

Pretty Ditty said...

Your photographs are beyond amazing!

Thank you so much for featuring my apron. Very kind of you =)